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Acne compromise ? Naturally!

Unfortunately, a golden cure for oily skin and acne has not been invented yet. I know too well how troublesome it can be, because I have been struggling with my imperfect skin since I was a teenager. I know one thing for sure: you have to love your skin, accept it and care for it. Quickly you will find out how right skincare routine can effectively improve the condition of problematic skin.

Combination/oily skin requires a lot of attention, systematicity and being careful in choosing the right cosmetics. The success is finding a harmony between cleansing, moisturizing and exfoliation.

One of the most common mistakes in problematic skin care routine is excessive drying of skin using cosmetics with high alcohol content, strong detergents and the use of mattifying products. Unfortunately, the effect is opposite: our skin reacts to drying with even more sebum production, inflammation and clogged pores, worsening its overall condition.

The basis of a proper care routine for each skin type is thorough cleansing and toning of the skin. I wrote about it in my last post. Please take a look to find out how important in daily care is skin toning and what ingredients to avoid on labels of washing gels/foams.

Ingredients 'wanted' in cosmetics for problematic skin are:

-Niacinamide reduces skin imperfections, reduces irritation and redness, cleans skin pores, brightens scars and blemishes, regenerates, evens skin tone.

-Vitamin C with antibacterial properties, brightens skin tone, reduces acne symptoms, accelerating healing processes, evens skin tone, and also showing a gentle exfoliating effect. Vitamin C works most effectively in combination with Vitamin E.

- Retinoids so-called skin normalizers stabilize the exfoliation processes, reducing acne symptoms and regulating sebum overproduction.

-Plant extracts, oils, essential oils: Jojoba Oil, Tamanu Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Nettle Extract, Licorice Extract, White Willow Extract, Indian Ruby (Manjista) Extract.

Skin Care Routine Steps:

After a thorough cleansing and toning of the skin, it's time for a serum.

I recommend a light moisturizing serum based on moisturizing Organic Rose Hydrosol with hyaluronic acid, strawberry extract, soothing panthenol and 7% Vitamin C content in stable, extremely effective Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, showing antibacterial, brightening and anti-acne properties.

The next step after applying the serum is to use a light, moisturizing cream.

I recommend Vitamin C Boost Cream with a light texture, citrusy aroma and skin balancing properties. The cream contains 5% stable vitamin C in the form of Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Pomegranate and Raspberry Seed Oil as well as anti-inflammatory, regenerating Tamanu Oil.

For the night time use, instead of a light moisturizer, I recommend to use more concentrated products, like oil based Balancing Serum based on Jojoba Oil, which from the chemical composition side is very similar to human sebum, 'cheating' our glands a bit making them stop producing excessive sebum.

Balancing Serum also contain antibacterial oils such as Tamanu Oil, Raspberry seed and Watermelon seed Oils.

Also includes normalizing Retinol and Natural Vitamin E.

the last hints:

- wash your make up brushes regularly

-sanitize your mobile phone regularly

-try not to touch your face during the day

-replace your pillowcase often

-change your face towel often (after washing your face, do not wipe it firmly with a towel. Instead gently dry your face only by applying a towel to your skin)

-do not use products containing Retinoids when using exfoliating acids at the same time.

- retinoids are not recommended during pregnancy

-love your skin!!!

Sylwia Marchewka

Poszukując serum czy kremu z witaminą C warto zwrócić uwagę która z jej form została użyta w danym kosmetyku. Producenci często podają na opakowaniu stężenie witaminy C- wydawać by się mogło, że im wyższe tym lepsze. Ważniejszy natomiast jest jej rodzaj. Podstawowa forma witaminy C l-kwas askorbinowy aby był efektywny musi być użyty w dużym stężeniu, nawet do 20%. W związku z tym, że jest bardzo niestabilny i nietrwały, aby działać musi być użyty w produkcie o niskim ph (ok.3,5) co często powoduje podrażnienia i zaczerwienienia skóry.

Warto szukać produktów z następującymi formami witaminy C


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